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  • How Does ERP Software Support the Apparel Industry Supply Chain?


The fashion and apparel industry has complex supply chains, running through the stages of designing, production, distribution, and retail.

Supply chain management involves the movement and management of resources – the right products need to be in the right place, in the right quantity, at the right time. Supply chain management in the fashion and textile industry is critical. The need to adapt and manage successful supply chains is essential to growth in a highly competitive environment. Good supply chain management can help you have an advantage over your competitors.

Optimisation of apparel supply chain management can be done through technology. Many companies within the apparel and fashion industry have looked to ERP software such as ApparelX to solve complex industry challenges – including efficient supply chain management.

We look at the ways ERP software benefits supply chain management in the fashion and textile industry.

Visibility of the Supply Chain in the Apparel Industry

Data visibility throughout the supply chain is essential for managing risk and planning for the future. Being able to see production shortfalls means issues can be rectified before they become full-blown problems.

ApparelX software gives visibility to see raw materials – are they where they need to be today? Was the quality acceptable? Plus, it can highlight how any delays or problems will affect production.

Opening the visibility of the supply chain and connecting with other vendors means all businesses involved know what is happening. Using apparel supply chain software, manufacturers, designers, distributors, and retailers can track their entire supply chain from raw materials to completed garments. This allows supply chain partners to work together and increase accuracy.

Having good visibility will help to reduce errors being made throughout other processes, for example, ordering. If inventory data is inaccurate, an item may sell without having the resources or materials to fulfil that job, which can affect your customer service and customer satisfaction. Plus, visibility reduces risk by providing your employees with accurate and up-to-date data, which allows them to make better decisions, and in doing so, make less costly errors for the business.